Monday, January 21, 2013

Hoping for a Snow Day!

The Weather Channel, the news and the Federal government were in cahoots last Thursday to orchestrate a snow day. Unfortunately, Mother Nature got the best of them all, and me, by dropping not one once of precipitation in Alexandria, VA! Oh how I had been waiting for that snow!

Myki hasn't seen snow since he was around 18 months; a visit to my mom's in NJ. He thought it was pretty cool and we slid around her driveway for a bit. Never having been exposed to gloves, he initially refused to wear them. After plunging both his bare hands into the snow and ice, he thought better of that decision. Nothing Mami could say was as persuasive as that!

While we left behind some incredible weather in Florida, there is absolutely winter fun to be had in VA! Every morning since Thursday, I've awoken hopefully, peaked out the window and been disappointed by the sea of green grass. C'mon Mother Nature, work with me! We have 3 winters of sledding, snowmen and maybe even some skiing to make up for!

Maybe this week it will come!

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