Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Types of Love - July 9, 2008

Hey, no new posts?! lol....i thought i would add a random/nice memory to your blog. Now this may apply more to me than you, but here goes lol. One thing I'll always remember about you is how thoughtful you are. I have evidence of this thoughtfulness all over my room (at this very moment). I still have (and cherish) two small wooden jewelry boxes you gave me from DR and a pair of volcanic rock turtles you got me from Italy. I really love them all and wanted to thank you again for thinking of me :)
- Jennifer Kurtz, Elementary School Friend Extraordinaire

Jennifer Kurtz has probably been my biggest fan in terms of this whole blogging endeavor. Who knew so many years ago that we would reconnect in the blogesphere!

Her recent post on my blog reminded me of something another great friend of mine told me about in college. Jessica Lynd is always reading something inspiring, something spiritual and thought provoking and often comes to some very accurate conclusions about the nature of man and the nature of particular people that she knows based on her readings. I think she's really mastered the art of reflecting on what you read.

According to Gary Chapman, there are Five Love Languages and the only way to achieve and express heartfelt commitment to your partner is to fully understand your love language and theirs. Jessica read the book and described the languages to me:

  1. Words of Affirmation - this person gives and thrives off of verbal appreciation and encouragement
  2. Quality Time - this person treasures quality conversation and activities, really focusing on spending time with the other person
  3. Gifts - this person expresses themselves by giving gifts and really treasures any gift that is received
  4. Acts of Service - this love language involves physical expressions of love in helping others and appreciating when you are being helped
  5. Physical Touch - self-explanatory

She identified me as someone who expresses themselves by giving gifts and really treasures any gift that is received. I do pride myself on being an excellent gift giver. I always do my best to find that special something for someone...something I've been slacking on recently. And reading Jenn's post made me so happy - it's always nice to know the things you put effort into matter to someone else.


Jennifer said...

lol i love how after my obsessive commenting is mentioned i dont check ur blog for weeks...(such is jenn lol)... btw favorite part of this mesg "Physical Touch -Self-explanatory" pam i need more details!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what my love language is. Perhaps that's whats hindering my search for it lol? I hope you and mike are doing good