My little brother graduated from high school today and I had the honor of escorting him across the stage with my father. In my old age, I've become such a sap. I was close to tears for most of the graduation but held it together for fear of feeling an old lady.
Demian sat up on stage whispering among his friends while the announcer ran through the graduation precedings. As they were called to the stage, each student was regalled with what their classmates thought of them - Demian was known for his jokes and happiness, you can't be sad around him and he's a great soccer star. The class giggled and cheered for him (nope, not every graduate got that). His best friend Arturo graduated and he was class President. His girlfriend Anabel came up and she was Senorita Fashion, America's Next Top Model.
Then a slideshow went across the stage and there was Demian, front and center in every other photo.
And I was just really shocked. When Demian lived in NJ, he was afraid of everything. He was afraid of gettig lost, afraid of animals, almost afraid to talk. He had a small group of two or three friends and was unsuccessfully struggling to find his own personality under the iron fist of my mom. I was safely behind enemy lines with my Dad which meant Demian was left to struggle against the oppression alone (yes, I harbor guilt).
That was only three years ago. And now here he was, best friends with the class president, basically voted most popular kid in school, in love with the most beautiful girl in school and more confident in himself than I ever thought he could be. A very proud sister was I.

Best Friend and Best Sister at the after party - organized of course my Demian & Company.

Loyal friends and followers who escorted Demian to the airport - the one to the right is the girlfriend - Anabel.
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