Everyone has their favorite time of year. The summer, their birthday month, fall because of the weather, spring because of all of the flowers....I'm a big fan of winter. And living in South Florida, we unfortunately do not get to see much of winter. What counts as cold here is fabulous weather during any northeast September and needless to say we don't see much snow. But we still have the holidays - Thanksgiving, My Birthday, Christmas and New Year's all in a matter of weeks. There's no other time of year that calls for so much celebration. This year, Mike and I are also blessed to have something new to celebrate - a little Fuller.
I was kind of dreading the holiday this year. My second Christmas in South Florida and my second Christmas without visiting Dominican Republic or New York, where the holiday lives for me. Well, where it used to live I guess. Mike and I did Christmas at our house this year. My mom flew in from New Jersey, her first solo flight since loosing her vision...the things people will do when their daughter's pregnant! And it was just the three of us.
Mike handled the news that we would NOT be going to the "beautiful Port St. Lucie," well, beautifully. I kind of just told him that I wasn't going to go and he said, ok. He's always been good at picking his battles...one of the many things I need to learn from him.
So here we were. Mom and I went grocery shopping and bought everything under the sun. I have honestly NEVER spent so much at the grocery store but she was all about filling the cart. I made a pernil, under her tutelage, for the first time. And it came out surprisingly delicious. We've had mangu, fried cheese, salchicha and eggs for breakfast everyday since she's arrived - Mike officially LOVES mangu!
I was kind of dreading the holiday this year. My second Christmas in South Florida and my second Christmas without visiting Dominican Republic or New York, where the holiday lives for me. Well, where it used to live I guess. Mike and I did Christmas at our house this year. My mom flew in from New Jersey, her first solo flight since loosing her vision...the things people will do when their daughter's pregnant! And it was just the three of us.
Mike handled the news that we would NOT be going to the "beautiful Port St. Lucie," well, beautifully. I kind of just told him that I wasn't going to go and he said, ok. He's always been good at picking his battles...one of the many things I need to learn from him.
So here we were. Mom and I went grocery shopping and bought everything under the sun. I have honestly NEVER spent so much at the grocery store but she was all about filling the cart. I made a pernil, under her tutelage, for the first time. And it came out surprisingly delicious. We've had mangu, fried cheese, salchicha and eggs for breakfast everyday since she's arrived - Mike officially LOVES mangu!
We put up a little tree (really little), and opened presents. We've slept and eaten to a glutinous level and drank and were merry. Don't worry, I was drinking Martinelli's while everyone else had some wine. Mom stocked my maternity closet and bought a crib! Baby's first furniture and something to fit mami's belly! All things to be happy about and thankful for.
So as much as I was dreading another Christmas in South Florida, it was fantastic. I got more than I could have hoped in terms of presents. I felt accomplished - I created Christmas in my home...practice for next year when we have a little one to be merry for.
So as much as I was dreading another Christmas in South Florida, it was fantastic. I got more than I could have hoped in terms of presents. I felt accomplished - I created Christmas in my home...practice for next year when we have a little one to be merry for.
what's mangu?
Mashed up green plaintains with olive oil and fried onions - breakfast of champions for any true dominican...and my husband apparently. :-)
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