Saturday, June 21, 2008

Conversations with Home

Since Mike worked today, I spent most of the day lazing around, channel surfing between food network and HGTV. I also took the opportunit to make some phone calls. I called DR and spoke with my Dad and Mariella and Jose and Cristian. Cristian had me rolling - he asked how I was doing: como tu ta' and proceeded to tell me about his little brother Patricio. Patricio was urmiendo (instead of durmiendo - sleeping) and apparently he talks now. Cristian told me he says Papa and that he's gordo (fat). So I asked him if he was gordo too - si - and if he eats a lot - si - amd that he was bien. It's so easy to get pleasure from even just a few words, he had me rolling.

Cristian & Jose

Then I talked to Jose who excitedly announced that he was on summer vacation! That he's now 5 whole years old and that he has a loose tooth! So we went back and forth on what a big man he is and I congratulated him on "graduating" to the first grade. He asked me when I was coming and I excitedly told him, next week. And then he said bye - and then he said (as quickly as he could get it out), bye Hermanita (sister) and threw the phone to his mom. He's my stepbrother and has never called me his sister before - it was sweet how he threw it in, like a test to see if it would be ok. Lucky for him (and my Dad), I've always been open to more siblings!


The novelty of talking to my younger siblings never wears off. I'm always amazed at how cute and funny their simple words and stories are.