1. Write More - I am a really fantastic writer but like any muscle, my writing skills have atrophied due to non-use (professional communication aside). Every time I sit down to write, I think, I've got nothing to say. Who wants to read more about a working mother's search for balance (spoiler alert: it's still a struggle). But I love to write and I'm proud of this ability. This year, I want to write about (and to) my boys, about being woke, about professional pursuits and funny stories and the ah-ha moments that come to me during a long hot shower. I will be better for it and I think those who read what I write will to.
2. Love More - I love my husband, my boys, my parents, my siblings and my besties with every fiber of my being. I love them all desperately and fiercely. But I know they don't always feel that love. In my quest to be worthy of them, to make them all proud, I work a lot and when I'm not working, I'm thinking about work or recovering from overworking. This year i will try to snuggle more, go on adventures together, pick up the phone, make plans and intentionally cultivate those relationships so they know how much they truly mean to me.
3. Move More - As I get older (and heavier), I am absolutely struggling through an energy crisis. I am just in this constant state of exhaustion and the consequence is that at every opportunity, I sit my behind down on the sofa or in the bed or in a rocker. I nurse my baby, binge watch my shows and scroll through social media instead of moving around. I will get up to clean and organize this house I worked so hard for. I will take my boys out on walks and to see new people and places. I will dance when I wake up and before I go to bed. I hope this is an "if you build it, they will come" scenario. If I fake it 'til I make it and move instead of sit, perhaps the energy will emerge.
2016 was an incredible year for me. I completed a full year as a homeowner, welcomed a 2nd beautiful, perfect boy to my clan, learned how special my work is as my boss, colleagues and clients showered me with good vibes and gave me the space I needed in my transition to Mami of two and made some incredible memories. Hopefully, with these intentions in mind,
2017 will be even more phenomenal.
1 comment:
Very inspiring!
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