Thursday, May 9, 2013

Honing My Craft

I recently completed a two-day legal writing course for work.  Day one was an essentials of writing or writing basics.  Key takeaways were the importance of brevity, plain English (you're trying to communicate ideas, not out-write anyone) and "fuzzy writing is caused by fuzzy thinking" or, if you don't know what you are trying to say, it won't make any sense.  The course was full of quotes from writers, my favorite being, "books are not written, they are rewritten."  

I have high hopes for this blog and my writing career.  And I am sometimes overwhelmed by the energy and effort that I know is required to make those hopes a reality.

But on a few things, I am clear:

1. I am a talented writer.
2. I am becoming a talented self-editor.
3. I have relevant thoughts to share.
4. I have an audience.

In the introduction to her book, "Lean In," Sheryl Sandberg says that part of leaning in is doing something you are afraid to do.  Calling myself a writer is scary because I know that being a real writer is much more than occasional posts on a personal blog.  But I am a writer and will fill out the title as I go.  This legal writing class solidified that for me - I am a writer.  It's wonderful when two parts of your world can overlap. In this case a work commitment has helped me define myself.

What are you afraid of?  What would it take for you to try it?

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