Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coke Zero is my Gateway Food

Like most women, I have been struggling to drop my college/baby weight for years! I have these bursts of health and fitness nirvana where I'm eating well, working out, I have energy and most importantly, motivation to keep going. And then like a sugar high, it just disappears and I turn into this bump-on-a-log person who is always curled up on the couch under a blanket and only gets up to see what's in the refrigerator. I usually blame it on some underlying emotional issue - stress, school, the job search, the realities of being wife and mother. But these things are ongoing and who am I kidding, they will always be there and can't be a reason to "let myself go."

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I fell off the wagon about a month ago after FINALLY breaking the 200 lb barrier that I'd been chasing after. For the first time in almost three years, I weigh less than 200 lbs! Such an achievement should motivate me, not have me binge eating. But I got complacent and after some soul searching, I think Coke Zero was my gateway food. My husband and I are notorious for the sweet tooth - cake, cookies, you name it and we can devour it! But, we had done an excellent job of eliminating sugary beverages. You will never find anything but water and milk in our refrigerator - no juice, no soda. But somehow, Coke Zero made it's way onto the grocery list. I think it was BOGO one day so I grabbed it - Zero Calories, a mini 7.5 oz can - what a great way to satisfy the sweet craving?!

Unfortunately for us, the sweetener in Coke Zero, aspartame, is processed just like sugar. So when you consume it, your body reacts accordingly dispensing insulin and making you feel like you have to eat. Yesterday afternoon, I looked in the fridge with a completely full stomach! I was actively full and searching for food. We had ice cream, cookies and I had just baked a banana, chocolate, coconut loaf (yes, it is delicious). It all smacked me in the face, Coke Zero was my gateway food!

I won't make any unrealistic promises about a new resolve to eat and be healthy. But I will take responsibility for spiraling out of control and falling off the wagon. Here's to a better week and no more Coke Zero at the Fuller House!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

heya pam! i was cleaning out my emails and i noticed your blog announcement. I thought to myself "i wonder if she is still writing.." so i checked and im so HAPPY to see that you are! Coke Zero is also a dirty pleasure of mine. I honestly use it as a chocolate substitute but im 100% sure there is nothing good about it lol. I hope that everyone in your family is doing well and that you keep writing on the's really entertaining to read! Please tell Mike i said hello and give a big hug to your little guy from me. hugs Jenn