Last night was a little different, I had had a bad day. End of the month = time to do bills, which never fails to ruin my day (or week). Some nonsense happened at work - not sure why I still let that bother me! The usual worry and pressure from mom about something - guilt trip and all. And although I'm about to embark on a 5 day adventure to DR to hang out with my brothers, I was sad that Mike wasn't able to come. It seemed wrong that my first trip back home after being married would be alone...
So I moped on the couch for a few hours and to my utter shock and amazement, at 9:30 pm, Mike turned off the TV and all the lights and announced that we'd be going to bed. And we talked in bed for a half hour or so and went to sleep. I think he could tell that the longer I stayed up, the more I would turn all the negative things around in my head and the worse I would feel. So he did the thing that he know gives me great comfort - sleeping snuggled up with him. It was a relief to just let it all go.

In the words of Mike's niece at 5 years old (Zenzele) - "When you're sad, you should pray and then take a nap. And when you wake up, things will be better."
Sometimes it is just that simple.