Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I was being a grumpy pants tonight; just wound tight, high-strung and obsessing over all I need to do tonight and into an early business flight tomorrow.  I snapped at Myki and his Dad and then doubled back with apologetic hugs.

"I just love you Myki, I'm sorry I was impatient."

"It's ok Mami, you just made bad choices."

Giggles, "Its true, I just love you Myki."

"There is no time I don't love you Mami."

Yes, that conversation occurred.  So blessed with this intuitive child and his very understanding father who doesn't bat an eye at my crazies.

Also, look how cute they are!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rediscovering YouTube

One of the most beautiful blessings of parenthood is the privilege of rediscovering things through the eyes of your child.  I have layed on my back 100 times on the beach or at a park and looked into the sky, the brilliant sun, trees and birds calming my nerves or giving me the mental space to ponder.  But the first time I layed a three-month old Myki on a blanket and he was totally mesmerized by the canopy of trees above him, well that dwarfed any good feeling the sky had ever given me.  It was amazing - his searching eyes and the expression of pure wonder that only young children have.

This week Myki's latest discovery, my latest rediscovery, was YouTube.  Now, I know that this seems silly when compared to the beautiful scene I just described.  But, this YouTube thing has actually been pretty awesome and significant.  I've written before about how much easier it was for me to mother an infant than a willfull (wonder where he got that from?) and exceptionally large toddler.  I work really hardat  finding ways to connect to bridge that gap, build a bridge between us.  Most recently, he is not a toddler, but a full grown child...a real boy!  I have always tried to speak to him like an adult, no baby talk, and he has always had a lot of words in his mouth as my mother-in-law likes to say.  

He tells me stories, recounts the plots to his favorite movies and TV shows and asks many a question I don't know the answer to.  He also has quite a lot of energy and my husband I work hard to direct that energy towards positive things.  We got him a piano for Christmas - a musical outlet.  And he has costumes, Legos, workbooks and science kits.  Much of the time though, utilizing these things becomes a barter for TV - do this activity and you can watch one show.  

So YouTube has become our constructive screen time outlet to discovering new music and eclectic dancing.  Myki loves the Beyoncé tap dance medley, beatboxing Chello player, "Cups" rendition by four YouTube channel holding artists I've never heard of, and the Alex Boye versions of "Let it Go," and "Royals." And don't get me started on all the Celebrity Sesame Street songs!  We had a dance party two nights in a row to those!  

As a 29 year old, I've had a computer my whole life - from dos and Pac-Man on floppy disk to what we use today. As such, there is much about the internet and our current access that I take for granted and other things I shy away from despite my technical savvy.  Thanks to Myki, I now know YouTube is amazing and full of things to discover.  I've subscribed to a dozen channels and am even finding things for myself - there is so much talent out there.  Old dog, new tricks.

What is your favorite YouTube video? Anything your kids particularly love? Do tell so Myki and I can watch it, and hopefully dance to it'd sing along!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Value of Perspective

The value of perspective cannot be overstated.  Most situations are far from crisis if you can make some mental space for perspective.  That's not to say that true crisis and challenge doesn't exist, but for every problem there is a solution and time heals many wounds.  In this case, time results in vast progress.

I have been rather obsessed with my family's finances the past four and half years.  After having my son, it just wasn't acceptable to be worrying about gas and grocories, but we were.  And despite our income more than doubling since he was born in 2009, I still spend a good portion of my mental energy worrying about money - student loans, college funds, vacation funds, car payments, taxes, daycare, medical, visiting extended family, work clothes, school clothes - this is what happens in my brain each time I take out my wallet.  

Today, we are planning to go to a birthday party about 90 minutes away.  As we discussed what time we should leave my husband paused.  "Do you remember when we didn't accept invitations because we couldn't afford the gas?" "Yes," I said, "and even when we had gas, we wouldn't go because we couldn't afford the birthday child's present."  

BAM!  Huge dose of perspective!  We have come so far.  

Today's life lesson - celebrate progress (and the fabulous husband who teaches you said lesson)!