I overslept, missed two trains, burnt myself with soup I was trying to buy, had to reschedule a fairly important meeting due to my lateness, took a rather important conference call in a train station and was so exhausted all day by my 20 hour business trip the day before that it felt like I could barely string a cohesive sentence together. But, overall, there were great things about the day and I relished in them!
I'm not sure what kind of indicator that is. The premise of this blog and so many personal growth initiatives I've endeavored to fulfill in the last five years has been to change my outlook, to view the world through rose-colored glasses, see the glass as half full and recognize the many blessings that permeate my life. Was this wonderfully disastrous day an indicator that all of my efforts are working?
I've been thinking quite a bit about a recent statement made by my company's Chairman and CEO. I've been in a new position for the last two months (hence my blog silence as I dive into this new challenge). After less than two weeks on the job, I attended the company's international kick-off. The Chairman and CEO gave a closing talk that included five pieces of advice, things he's learned in his life and career. One in particular really stuck with me, "do the work your goals require of you."
I have been turning that guidance around in my head. It is so simple, and to me, so poignant. Just like losing weight will not happen spontaneously, my happiness will not just come because I will it forward. But I've been putting in some work, resolving the things that I am dissatisfied with and creating the circumstances of the life I want.
So here's to more days of not noticing the trouble and enjoying the good!