My husband and I have a running joke that our life will completely change the day our son turns 3 years old. Almost everything fun in life is prequeled by this age requirement. Dance, karate, t-ball and piano lessons all have an age minimum of 3. Chutes and Ladders, my first UNO, action figures and anything smaller than the palm of my hand is not recommended for kids under 3 years old.
Our son has been the size of a 3 year old for over a year so, needless to say, we are equal parts anxious and skeptical of this momentous occasion. Having a son the size of a 3 year old before even turning 2 can be challenging. He's huge! He gets into everything and has outgrown any interest in toys for the under 3 set. But he definitely still puts things in his mouth, runs and falls with pointy things like a toy screwdriver (3+) and has yet to develop a healthy fear of electrical outlets. I have found him hanging from the side of his crib trying to escape, almost submerged in the toilet because his waist is higher then the seat, and with a string from the blinds (that was supposedly out of his reach) around his neck!
With all of this 3 year old physical ability, came the emotional trauma of the terrible two's. So when he's doing the wrong thing and you tell him to stop, he falls on the floor in hysterics. Does that just snap off too he turns 3?
Hopeful for all of the maturity that the warning labels claim!