Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's been so long

My publico! Hopefully you haven't lost faith in me. November 20 and a five-month old Myki were such a long time ago! But I've been a very busy bee (yes, I now watch children's cartoons). Some highlights from my last few months:

Myki turned 6 months old! And then 7 months old! Time is just flying by. He is so perfect and learning something new each and every day. He's eating 3 meals a day now and has sprouted two more teeth. He's going to walk and talk any day now. The babbling is becoming increasingly coherent - na ta da da, ga! And he has stood a few times by himself...and then he realizes he's not holding on and falls on his butt, it is super cute. He hasn't been to the doctor in a while (yay!) but my experiments with our bathroom scale tell me he's 23 big! And he's probably around there because he's wearing 18-24 months and the clothes fit to a T!

Our first family Thanksgiving and Christmas were also tons of fun and totally busy! ....