There has not been a Myki update in quite some time. The role of mother, wife, employee is much more demanding than I'd anticipated and extra energy for blogging is a blessing I rarely have....never mind energy for the other hats I wear - friend, daughter, sister....it seems those things have fallen to the wayside.
Part of that is the situation - nighttime events really aren't my friend and no one is all that interested in doing things centered around a baby. Plus, we have some liquidity issues and entertainment is far from free. But some of the isolation is most definitely self-inflicted. I'm happy to be in my house with my bebo. If we go out, he has to remain strapped into his car seat or stroller or in my arms...a position we both love but one he is quickly outgrowing.
Which brings me to the actual Myki update...well, many updates since it has been so long. Let me go in order.
1. He has two little teeth! 5 months old and he has teeth...the time is flying. His dad and I were equally elated and devastated when we discovered this development. Wow, he's growing! (smile) Wow, he's growing so fast! (frown)
2. He is fully also mobile...crawling, getting into absolutely everything, sitting up, launching from a sit-up, trying to climb up Mami and Daddy and lastly, standing with support! That last part is just such a shocker to me.
So, here is a new photo of my little Speedy Gonzalez.
In other news, Mike and I are working on professional photos for his 6 monthday and a Christmas card - stay tuned!