What an eventful couple of weeks. I have been overwhelmed (my new favorite word as a working mother) the past few weeks and oh how I have missed sharing my life and Myki's special moments on this blog!
So I've promised myself I will try to post on here every few days, even if it is a short entry!
Not sure if you remember my workout post a few weeks ago. The following week I did an excellent job of going to workout, walking with Myki, eating right (lots of fruit and salad) and lost 2 of those pesky 12 pounds. Unfortunately, my budget and my life smacked me in the face and the past two weeks have not been so successful. I will persevere! Starting today I'm going to track my calories and see if I can keep chiseling away at the baby weight.
This past Friday Myki rolled over! I kept putting him back on his tummy and he kept rolling right over. My eyes filled with tears, I yelled, I laughed, I put on a show - and he just looked up at my like, what Mami? this is how we roll - literally. Video to come of this precious moment. Unfortunately he hasn't rolled over since but as his Grandma said, he's focused on some other things...
Like his thumb! He has found his thumb and it goes straight in his mouth. Although my brain knows this is a pesky habit, my heart thinks it's the cutest thing ever - his thumb is so little!! And it's given Mami a bit of a break because he can now soothe himself with his thumb. He's had much more tummy time as a result. He tries to roll over, walk even, gets frustrated and starts sucking. Again, super cute!
We are t minus a week and a half to our big work trip to California. Myki will be serving as my personal assistant for the week! (toted around by his Grandma Fuller :-)
Other highlights since the last posting included our first dip in the ocean, and an encore at the pool (I think the pool made more of an impact!), graduation to size 4 diapers (the largest size is 6, potty-training must begin quickly), testing out the exersaucer and succeeding! and meeting our Auntie Crystal for the first time!
Time is flying!