Sunday, February 28, 2010


Brushing my teeth!
Whew...what a whirlwind it's been since the 5 month update. Since then, Myki has grown and GROWN! He is walking with support, pushing anything that moves through our living room (see below). He has FIVE teeth! And last week, we started brushing them! He gets a kick out of that. He is literally off the charts in height at 32" and in the 90th percentile in weight at 23 lbs. The height we were expecting but he's so lean....who knew the child of voluptious and robust would be so skinny.

Myki turns 9 months next week. This time has flown by so quickly. My best friend just had a baby last week...Christian James. And she sent me pictures of his birthday...those first groggy moments when they bring you the baby, he lays on your chest, you just breathe him in...he looks at you serenly. Ugh it was so bittersweet...I was so happy for her, happy that she had opened that door in her life and just so nostalgic for those moments with Myki. As amazing as it is to see him grow, it is sad to know I won't ever have those moments back...

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